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Washington, D.C. — Today, following the House passage of the bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Representative John Curtis (UT-03) made the following statement: This year’s NDAA is a strong investment to deter foreign aggression that could impact the United States’ security and economic interests. It reverses concerning cuts proposed in the Administration’s…


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Washington, D.C. – Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources favorably reported two of Rep. John Curtis’ (UT-03) bills to better manage federal lands. The first would withdraw a rule of the Bureau of Land Management that would restrict access to public lands for grazing and recreation. The second would require the Department of Agriculture and the Department of the…

Utah House Delegation Reacts to Stewart Announcement

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Tags: Congress

    Washington, D.C. —Today, Congressman Chris Stewart (UT-02) announced his planned resignation from the U.S. House of Representatives. The Utah delegation, consisting of Reps. John Curtis (UT-03), Burgess Owens (UT-04), and Blake Moore (UT-01) released the following statement:   “We are deeply saddened by the announcement of our dear friend, Rep. Chris Stewart.…


| Posted in Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — Today, following the passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act Congressman John Curtis (UT-03) issued the following statement:   “Since coming to Congress, I have not voted for a single omnibus spending bill or debt ceiling increase,” said Rep. Curtis. “While not perfect, this is the first bill I have been presented that gets Washington to spend…

Western Caucus Members Introduce Legislation to Stop the Biden Administration’s Land Grab

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Washington, D.C. —Last week, Rep. John Curtis (UT-03), Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04), and Rep. Russ Fulcher (ID-01) introduced legislation alongside 10 of their Western Caucus colleagues to direct the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to withdraw the proposed rule titled “Conservation and Landscape Health.” This rule undermines FLPMA’s multiple-use requirement for BLM lands…

Reps. Curtis, Pappas & Senator Rubio Reintroduce the Bipartisan Taiwan Representative Office Act

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Today, Congressman Curtis (R-UT), Congressman Pappas (D-NH), and Senator Rubio (R-FL) reintroduced the Taiwan Representative Office Act to rename Taiwan’s diplomatic outpost currently named the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office to the Taiwan Representative Office. “It is long overdue to correctly name the de facto embassy of our longtime friend and ally, Taiwan, as the…

Congressmen Take Bold Action: Bipartisan Bill Targets Hong Kong's Intrusive Data Demands and Defends Business Integrity

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This week, Rep. John Curtis (R-UT) and Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA) re-introduced the bipartisan Hong Kong Business Integrity and Transparency Act to establish regular reporting on instances where Hong Kong authorities demand data, content takedowns, or assistance with law enforcement from U.S. companies.    “Hong Kong after the 2020 National Security Law is no longer…

Rep. John Curtis Unveils Humorous Video Revealing the "Secret" to His Productivity

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Washington, D.C. — Congressman John Curtis (UT-03) has worked hard to become one of the most effective lawmakers in the US House and was recently named the 9th most effective Republican in the 435-member body.    This week, Rep. Curtis released a lighthearted and humorous video that offers a tongue-in-cheek explanation for how he manages to get so much done in Congress.…

Rep. Curtis Addresses the Urgent Need to Prevent U.S. Default and Restore Fiscal Health

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Washington, D.C. — Today, Representative John Curtis (UT-03) released the following statement addressing the critical need for the United States to avoid defaulting on its debts and to restore fiscal responsibility. The statement comes in response to the introduction of a debt limit plan by House Republicans that grows the economy and limits spending:   “Point blank, there is too…

“Long Time No See,” Curtis Joins Bipartisan Members in Greeting Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen

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Washington, D.C. — Last week, Representative John Curtis (R-UT) joined with Speaker McCarthy and other members of Congress at the Reagan Presidential Library to meet with Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen.   "I am honored to join the Speaker and bipartisan colleagues in welcoming the President of Taiwan to the Reagan Presidential Library,” said Rep. Curtis. “Taiwan is a beacon…