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Update from Washington on PPP Funding

| Posted in Blog I’m grateful to be here in Washington DC with my colleagues to vote for the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act.   This is an unprecedented time in our nation’s history and many of our small businesses across the country are experiencing unimaginable losses due to…

Worldwide Day of Fasting & Prayer

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The COVID-19 pandemic has reached virtually every corner of our globe, infecting members of this very chamber and taking thousands of American lives. It is causing a devastating impact on our economy with unemployment levels rising to historic levels. While families shelter in place, businesses restructure, and Congress works to provide resources, many have also chosen to join…

Payment Protection Program | COVID19 Resources

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CORONAVIRUS RESOURCES AND UPDATES Thanks to all who have been able to join our virtual townhalls. I'll be hosting one again this week on Thursday, April 9 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm MDT and you can join by dialing 855-962-1075. You will be automatically placed into a toll-free conference to listen in with your neighbors and have an opportunity to ask me a question. I will be…

Help Is On the Way | Learn about the CARES Act

| Posted in Blog I traveled back to Washington DC this week to ensure I could be here to vote for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act, the third phase of COVID-19 relief bills. I voted for the CARES Act, the largest economic disaster recovery package in our nation’s history, to play my part in…

FEMA, Social Distancing, and New Bills

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I'm so pleased that we've heard from many who want to get involved and help. FEMA is working with companies looking to sell or donate medical supplies, equipment or services. Use [THIS LINK] for more info. In my video tonight I'll also talk about new testing sites, social distancing, and the new Senate and House…

Updates on the Coronavirus

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DON'T PANIC; DO PREPARE I wanted to provide you with additional information that may be helpful to you as our country moves forward with addressing the challenges associated with coronavirus. As a reminder, you can also stay in the know by following my Twitter account, my Facebook page, or my Instagram profile for more information. TAKING…

COVID19 Update: Weekend of Prayer & Townhall Report

| Posted in Blog TOWNHALL RECAP Thanks to all who joined our tele-townhall tonight. We will certainly be hosting more of these in the future. We are joined by Lt. Governor Spencer Cox and Utah Department of Health Deputy Director Nathan Checketts. If you missed the event, you can catch the Facebook Live video [HERE] or read a recap below: On…

Wishing Rep. McAdams a Speedy Recovery, Co-Diagnostics Testing Approved & More

| Posted in Blog I've decided to post a daily video giving COVID-19 updates on the events of the day and sharing anything else I can with you. Tonight I'm wishing a speedy update to Rep. Ben McAdams, cheering on Co-Diagnostics being cleared to distribute its COVID-19 test, and more. TELE-TOWNHALL TOMORROW NIGHT To…

My thoughts on how the United States should approach Syria

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The sudden shift in US Syria policy announced by President Trump to withdraw from Syria seems ill-timed and poorly thought out. The defeat of ISIS is a long-term endeavor.  As a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, I believe that a continued US presence is key to crafting a political transition and bringing an end to the civil war in Syria.  Only a week ago the Special…

We must reject war in Yemen and pursue peace

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As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I have closely followed recent developments in the war between Saudi Arabia and the Houthi Rebels in Yemen. This is one of the world’s deadliest wars. Airstrikes, and other acts of war, have killed tens of thousands of civilians. Yemen has become a wasteland with widespread disease and famine. An estimated 85,000…