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Washington, D.C. — Today, Rep. John Curtis (UT-03) released the video below reacting to the cancellation of the Carbon Free Power Project (CFPP) by Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS) and NuScale Power Corp. The project was slated to be the first small modular reactor (SMR) and generate 462 megawatts of carbon free electricity.


“I’m saddened to learn of this projects cancellation,” said Rep. Curtis. “Current and future nuclear will play a vital role in America’s energy mix. This can be a learning experience for other SMR projects, and Congress should take this opportunity to ensure the permitting process for energy projects is designed to encourage innovation.”



Rep. Curtis recently spoke in the Energy & Commerce Committee about his bipartisan legislation to incentivize the deployment of innovative types of nuclear technology. The Advanced Nuclear Reactor Prize Act authorizes the Secretary of Energy to make targeted awards to cover fees assessed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the first technologies that are licensed and made operational in five unique categories. The prizes will incentivize innovation and quality applications, ultimately making it more affordable for first of a kind technology to get through the licensing process.



