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House Passes Rep. Curtis’ Bipartisan TAIPEI Act

Legislation Will Require US Strategy and Response to Help Taiwan’s Global Standing

Today, the United States House of Representatives unanimously passed the Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative (TAIPEI) Act, authored by Representative John Curtis (R-UT), member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and Nonproliferation, and cosponsored by 47 colleagues from both sides of the aisle. 

This bipartisan legislation is intended to strengthen Taiwan’s standing around the world and comes in response to increased Chinese pressure and bullying tactics intended to restrict Taiwan’s international space and global diplomatic recognition. The Senate cosponsors of the bill are US Senators Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Chris Coons (D-DE).
The Congressman oversaw the passage of the bill. Video Via YouTube

“I’m proud to see today’s unanimous passage of my bill, the TAIPEI Act, which strengthens Taiwan’s position in the world by promoting free trade negotiations, supporting Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, and protecting its relations with its allies,” said Curtis. “This bill makes for a powerful statement and demonstrates that the United States stands with its democratic and free-market partners throughout the world.”

“The United States and democracies around the world should be concerned by China’s efforts to suppress Taiwan,” said co-lead Congressman Vicente Gonzalez. “I am proud to support passage of the TAIPEI Act and stand in solidarity with Taiwan, a free and thriving democracy.”

“The United States should use every tool to support Taiwan’s standing on the international stage,” said Senator Gardner. “This bipartisan legislation demands a whole-of-government approach to ramp up our support for Taiwan, and will send a strong message to nations that there will be consequences for supporting Chinese actions that undermine Taiwan. I applaud the U.S. House of Representatives for unanimously  advancing this critical bipartisan legislation, and I will continue to advocate on behalf of Taiwan and the Taiwanese people, as guided by United States law.”

“The House passage of this important legislation will help to strengthen Taiwan’s democracy, its free market economy, and its standing on the world stage,” said Senator Coons. “I look forward to seeing this bill passed into law.”


Introduced in October 2019 and endorsed by the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, The TAIPEI Act recommends a US strategy to engage with governments around the world to support Taiwan’s diplomatic recognition or to strengthen unofficial ties with Taiwan, calls on the State Department to exercise a range of diplomatic and assistance options with regard to any government that takes adverse actions with regard to Taiwan, and articulates a clear U.S. policy to support Taiwan’s participation in appropriate international organizations. The bill also calls on the Administration to enhance economic cooperation with Taiwan.

The Senate previously passed the TAIPEI Act in October 2019. Because the House of Representatives slightly altered the bill, the Senate will need to pass it again before it is sent to the President’s desk to become law.
