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This week, Representative John Curtis (R-UT) introduced the Star-Spangled Summit Act, a bill to allow the American flag to fly on Kyhv Peak. For over 20 years Robert Collins seasonally placed an American flag on the Peak above Provo, Utah. In 2021, Collins was informed by the Forest Service that placement of the flag may violate the agency’s policies. The bill requires the Forest Service to issue a special-use permit to ensure this popular local tradition will continue. 


“Utahns pride themselves on being the most patriotic people in the country and it is disappointing that federal policy would hamper such a wholesome local tradition,” said Rep. Curtis. “Frustratingly, this is too often the case in Utah where nearly seventy percent of the land is federally managed. I am proud to recognize Robert’s patriotism and resolve this issue so Utahns can see the stars and stripes on the Peak once again.”



For two decades, Robert Collins has seasonally hoisted an American flag atop Kyhv Peak above Provo, Utah. Following the snowmelt, a group ascends the trail to mount a temporary flagpole, conducting a ceremony that honors our nation, veterans, and constitutional rights.


In 2021, Mr. Collins was informed that it is contrary to Forest Service policy to allow for the “…Construct[ion], plac[ment], or maintain[ance of] any … structure… or other improvement on National Forest System lands or facilities without a special-use authorization, contract, or approved operating plan…”.[1]


In states where there is less federal land, the decision to erect a small monument like the flag on Kyhv Peak would be made by a local government representing the community and its needs. Federal land management agencies do not have the authority to make such unique decisions for local land uses. So, when such a need arises in a Western federal public-land state, like Utah, federal legislation is often required.


Key Provisions of the Bill:

  • Require the Forest Service to issue a special-use permit to Robert Collins for the placement and maintenance of a flagpole bearing the flag of the United States,
  • Allow the Forest Service to promulgate regulations for the proper care and maintenance of the flagpole,
  • Allow for the permit to be reissued or terminated.



FOX 13: New bill could bring American flag back to Kyhv Peak after order to cease


For bill text, click here.



[1] 36 CFR § 261.10(a)