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Deseret News: Rep. Curtis sets a good example of listening

For the second time since the special election in Utah's 3rd Congressional District, I attended a public town hall meeting held by Rep. John Curtis. It was the 14th such town hall that Rep. Curtis has held since taking office just a few months ago, and he has two more events scheduled on the day I write this. In both meetings I attended, the attendees asked insightful and often tough questions, and Rep. Curtis answered them candidly. Both Rep. Curtis and the attendees were respectful and willing to listen to each other. Rep. Curtis is modeling the behavior that we should expect of the entire Utah congressional delegation. He has demonstrated that the excuses made by our other representatives and senators not to meet face-to-face with us, their constituents, in public gatherings with advance notice and plenty of opportunity for back-and-forth Q&A, are just that — excuses. 8 comments on this story It is time for Sen. Mike Lee to stop hiding behind the rush-hour tele-town hall format and look us in the eye. It is time for Rep. Mia Love to emerge from her safe place and meet with more than a dozen constituents at a time. And it's time for Rep. Rob Bishop to hold more than one town hall per year in his district. Rep. Curtis, and to a lesser extent Rep. Chris Stewart, are showing that we can expect more of our delegation. Thank you, John Curtis, for your efforts truly to represent us. Alan Wessman Spanish Fork