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Curtis: Articles Make Impeachment Vote "A Rather Easy Decision"

Today, Rep. John Curtis (R-UT) released the following statement after House Democratic Leadership announced the articles of impeachment drafted against President Trump as 1. “abuse of power” and 2. “obstruction of Congress.” The Congressman will be voting against both of them.

“I’ve tried throughout this process to keep an open mind, but the articles of impeachment before me have made this vote a rather easy decision. I will be voting against these two charges. That said, my decision should not be inferred to mean that I’m happy with all of the President’s actionsbut that is not the vote at hand. I’m being asked to help remove a duly elected President and I do not feel that his actions have met that high standard.”

As referenced in the video, the Congressman was asked about impeachment in his Utah 3rd Congressional District Debate in his past election. See [HERE] for his views on impeachment, see [HERE] for his answer regarding former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment.
