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Conservative Climate Caucus Gains Wide Support

Washington, DC—This morning, Rep. John Curtis (R-UT), member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, announced the new Conservative Climate Caucus in a press conference at the US Capitol.

This morning, Rep. John Curtis (R-UT), member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, announced the new Conservative Climate Caucus in a press conference at the US Capitol. The Congressman will serve as Chairman and lead the Caucus of over 50 members, including representatives from every committee with jurisdiction over climate policy and various ranking members. Read more about the rollout HERE.

The Caucus will be focused on educating Republican House Members on conservative climate solutions that align with Republican principles and are based on an agenda that will make real progress through American innovation and ultimately enhance American prosperity. Learn more HERE. It has gained widespread industry support. 

Americans for Tax Reform: "Thanks to free-market policy and private sector innovation, the United States is the global leader in reducing emissions while Communist China now emits more greenhouse gases than the entire developed world combined. Democrat policies that ban fossil fuels, raise taxes on energy consumers and force taxpayers to heavily subsidize politically preferred industries only increase energy costs while shipping American jobs to China where they become more carbon-intensive. Taxpayers deserve conservative policies that secure American energy independence, foster innovation, and allow the market to meet the demand for affordable clean energy. We applaud the Conservative Climate Caucus' promise to promote free-market policies and to protect taxpayers from tax increases." - Mike Palicz, Americans for Tax Reform

American Conservation Coalition: "Conservatives have a long history of leadership on conservation issues, it should be no different with climate change. We thank Representative Curtis for being a strong voice for climate action and appreciate his engagement with ACC's activists. We look forward to working with the Conservative Climate Caucus to build a more sustainable conservative movement and ensure a healthy environment for generations to come." - Benji Backer, President & Founder, American Conservation Coalition

American Petroleum Institute: “Congratulations on the founding of the conservative climate caucus. Our industry is committed to working with Congress and the administration to support pro-market, innovative, and economy-wide policies that build on our nation’s progress in driving emissions to generational lows. Reducing the risks of climate change while providing access to affordable, reliable energy will require bipartisan solutions and we are pleased to see the formation of this new caucus.”   -Frank J. Macchiarola, Senior Vice President – Policy, Economics, & Regulatory Affairs, API

American Exploration and Production Council: “The United States leads the world in emissions reductions due to the increased production of natural gas and our industry’s commitment to innovative solutions and emissions-reducing technologies. Future climate progress will continue to be centered around the innovative solutions of the American oil and natural gas industry and this Caucus will foster real conversations about ways we can meet the dual challenge of addressing climate change while meeting global demand for affordable and reliable energy,” Anne Bradbury, CEO, AXPC

Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions: “CRES applauds US Rep. John Curtis (R-UT) and the 51 other House Republicans who today announced the creation of the Conservative Climate Caucus and looks forward to working with Members and staff on its agenda. The climate is changing and to address it, our country needs a commonsense approach that works by reducing energy prices, not energy choices; shrinking our emissions, not our economy; and, exporting American innovation, not American jobs.  Despite what fringe activists and their Capitol Hill champions say, overregulating America will not lower emissions globally. This caucus understands that climate change is a global issue. Today, 85 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions occur outside of the United States – a share that will increase to 90 percent by the end of the next decade. This means that U.S. climate and energy policy must foster innovation and commercialization pathways that work for Indiana as well as for India. Achieving emissions-reduction solutions are possible with the leadership demonstrated by the creation this caucus today.” – Heather Reams, CRES Executive Director

ClearPath: "Republicans have real solutions for climate change – ones that are technologically realistic, economically feasible, and politically sustainable. Over the past decade, conservatives have institutionalized big, bold goals anchored by clean energy breakthroughs as the best approach to solving the climate challenge. Higher taxes and more regulations won’t solve it – and this Conservative Climate Caucus will continue advancing solutions that strengthen the American economy, and reduce global carbon emissions."  Rich Powell, Executive Director, ClearPath 

Conservative Energy Network: “As climate change is being discussed at all levels of society, the Conservative Energy Network applauds the formation of the Conservative Climate Caucus. Regardless of personal beliefs, it is vital that conservatives be part of the policy conversation in Congress determining solutions. CEN believes policies that champion home-grown innovation and provide all technologies with fair access to markets will accelerate the transition to our clean energy future and secure America’s global economic leadership.” – Mark Pischea, President & CEO, Conservative Energy Network

Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions (C3 Solutions): "Rep. John Curtis and the Conservative Climate Caucus are wisely taking this issue head on. Mentioning 'climate' isn't ceding ground; it is seizing the high ground. History demonstrates that free economies are clean economies. Conservative, free-market principles are far better for people and the planet than top-down central planning from Washington, D.C." 

ConservAmerica: “The creation of the Conservative Climate Caucus reflects the importance of this issue and the desire of members to be engaged.  We applaud Congressman Curtis for his leadership and look forward to working with him - as well as other members - to develop and advocate for cost-effective, durable solutions that will make a real difference." - Jeff Kupfer, President, ConservAmerica

Independent Petroleum Association of America: "IPAA commends Congressman Curtis and his colleagues on the creation of the Conservative Climate Caucus (CCC). IPAA and our member companies look forward to working with the CCC to provide educational resources about climate solutions that can be harnessed through the development of new shale gas formations throughout the nation, which will help meet the nation’s energy needs for the next 100 years. These resources will allow the United States to shape its climate strategies using clean, abundant, affordable American natural gas. We applaud the CCC's innovative approach and look forward to partnership opportunities in the future." -Barry Russell, President and CEO, IPAA

National Taxpayers Union: “National Taxpayers Union applauds the creation of the Conservative Climate Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives. We look forward to working with the Caucus to advance pro-taxpayer, free-market solutions to the challenges posed by climate change.” -- Brandon Arnold, Executive Vice President, NTU

National Audubon Society: "Birds tell us that climate change is one of the biggest threats of our time, and when the survival of some of our most beloved birds is in question, the American people need meaningful action from elected officials on both sides of the aisle. We are encouraged to see Republican Members of Congress continue to engage with the formation of the new Conservative Climate Caucus. We hope they will focus on meaningful solutions that put us on a path to a net-zero emissions economy by mid-century and guarantee a healthy environment for birds and people.” - Jesse Walls, Senior Director, Government Affairs, National Audubon Society

National Ocean Industries Association:  “NOIA looks forward to working with Representative John Curtis and the Conservative Climate Caucus in finding ways to solve, scale, and deploy climate solutions. Whether we are talking about the Gulf of Mexico, which provides among the lowest carbon barrels of producing regions, wind projects along the Atlantic coast, or other emerging carbon reduction technologies, the offshore energy industry is at the forefront of advancing climate mitigating technologies. Solving the climate challenge will take continuous innovation, and the offshore energy industry is well positioned to help ensure it is done in a way that balances the environmental, social, economic, and energy needs for society.” - Erik Milito, President, NOIA 

National Wildlife Federation: “Climate-fueled wildfires, floods, hurricanes and severe weather don’t discriminate between red states and blue states — and we need leaders from both to address this urgent challenge. The National Wildlife Federation is ready to find common ground on solutions that address the changing climate, create jobs, and help people and wildlife alike thrive. We look forward to seeing the policy solutions the Conservative Climate Caucus puts forward.” - Shannon Heyck-Williams, Director of Climate and Energy Policy, NWF

R Street: "If Congress is serious about addressing climate change, it needs to focus on the global nature of the problem, and recognize that setting the example is best done with bipartisan, cost-effective policies that do not come at the expense of personal freedoms and economic well being. The Conservative Climate Caucus opens the door for more frank discussions about the policies that already make good economic sense and capture environmental benefits without relying on government expansion or burdens on taxpayers." 

US Chamber of Commerce | Global Energy Institute: “The Chamber welcomes all efforts to achieve meaningful, achievable climate solutions.  In order to be durable, Congress should seek to enact climate policy that enjoys broad and bipartisan support, so it is imperative to have Members on both sides of the aisle that are engaged in these efforts.  The engagement of conservative voices is critical to building that consensus, and we look forward to working with the Conservative Climate Caucus and others in Congress to achieve those objectives.” - Marty Durbin, Senior Vice President of Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
