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Yesterday, Representative John Curtis (R-UT) introduced the Border Security State Reimbursement Act to reimburse states for expenses associated with securing the United States borders. This legislation was introduced in conjunction with Congressman Curtis trip to the southern border to monitor the situation first-hand.


“I regret that the President and Secretary Mayorkas have been negligent in their duty to secure the border and created a situation where states feel it is necessary to act individually,” said Rep. Curtis. “Congress has the power of the purse, and we must support these states spending dollars to end this humanitarian crisis. It is enabling fentanyl trafficking that hurts Utahns.”


The Border Security State Reimbursement Act would reimburse states for funds used to send law enforcement to secure the border. It ensures costs incurred due to federal government inaction don’t cut into other necessary services.



Texas has spent $4 Billion in just the last two years in border security measures.

Even the Democratic Governor of Arizona has requested the federal government reimburse the state at least half a million dollars for federal border inaction.


To read the bill, click here.

