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Rep. Curtis speaks out about border enforcement policies impacting families

Congressman John Curtis issued the following statement about the troubling news reports of children being separated from their families. “I, like so many Utahns, am extremely troubled by news reports of small children being separated from their parents at our southern border. I share Utahns’ frustration and am committed to finding a solution. Although I recognize the need to enforce our nation’s immigration laws and to secure and protect our borders, I do not believe that separating families is consistent with who we are as a country—and it most certainly doesn’t reflect the Utah values I was elected to represent in Congress,” Curtis said. “I want all Utahns to know that I, along with my entire staff, am doing everything possible, both in Washington and here at home in Utah, to ensure that our government has the tools needed to keep families together. My staff and I have been in contact with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to be briefed on the situation unfolding at the border. Tomorrow, I will join several of my House colleagues for a meeting with President Trump, where I plan to push very hard to see that the Administration takes every effort to keep families together through the legal process determining their eligibility to remain in the U.S. Additionally, the House will likely take a vote this week on immigration reform legislation that includes an authorization for DHS to keep children with their parents while the government determines their eligibility for asylum or if these families will be returned to their home countries. I’m committed and will keep at it until we get this solved.” ###