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Rep. Curtis Encourages Bipartisan Efforts to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Today, Rep. John Curtis (R-UT), Deputy Republican Leader of the National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Subcommittee on the House Natural Resources Committee, advocated for bipartisan efforts to spur innovation, export US clean energy technology, and combat foreign rising emissions during this morning’s Natural Resources hearing.

The hearing addressed the Trillion Trees Act which would help establish forest management and reforestation practices that reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The Congressman is supportive of this legislation.

On Carbon vs Carbon in the Air: “I have a county in my district called Carbon County. When we villainize coal, we have to remember that we’re villainizing hard-working people who have risked their health and lives so that we have light and we have warmth. The real villain is carbon in the air, not carbon itself. I think that’s an important distinction.”

On Carbon Sequestration/Planting Trees: “I don’t think forest management and planting trees alone will stop climate change, but it is certainly a part of the solution. I appreciate Mr. Westerman’s bill to work towards increasing trees that work to sequester carbon. We talk about trying to create new carbon sequestration technology and mother Nature has done a wonderful job of providing that for us.”

On Exporting US Technology: “It’s very important to have bipartisan efforts around innovation and exporting US clean technology overseas. I think we can do a lot to reduce carbon by simply exporting some of our technology, recognizing it won’t be long before 90% of the carbon in the air is coming from outside of the united states.”
