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Curtis to Speak with Taiwan’s Ambassador Bi-khim Hsiao

Curtis to Speak with Taiwan’s Ambassador Bi-khim Hsiao

Tomorrow, Rep. John Curtis is slated to speak with Rep. Hsiao at the annual Stewart Security Summit. Media reports indicate that Chinese military exercises will simultaneously occur on Taiwanese sovereign territory during this time period.

“Recent events, including the visit by Speaker Pelosi to Taiwan, show the importance of America’s partnership with Taiwan,” said Rep. Curtis. “I have long called for fair treatment of Taiwan internationally and deeper ties between our democracies, and I value the opportunity to speak with Rep. Hsiao about America’s support for Taiwan.”Curtis to Speak with Taiwan’s Ambassador Bi-khim Hsiao“Recent events, including the visit by Speaker Pelosi to Taiwan, show the importance of America’s partnership with Taiwan,” said Rep. Curtis. “I have long called for fair treatment of Taiwan internationally and deeper ties between our democracies, and I value the opportunity to speak with Rep. Hsiao about America’s support for Taiwan.”

Curtis will speak with Hsiao at the annual Stewart Security Summit, hosted by Rep. Chris Stewart (UT-02).

Ahead of the Summit, Speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to Taiwan and met with Taiwanese lawmakers and with Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, offering assurances of United States support for the island democracy that China claims as its own.

For more information about the event, please visit the link.


Congressman Curtis lived in Taiwan for multiple years and his TAIPEI Act, signed into law in March 2020, was the most substantive legislation passed to support Taiwan from Chinese coercion in 40 years. The TAIPEI Act:

  • Encouraged high-level visits of U.S. officials to Taiwan
    • Made it U.S. policy to support Taiwan’s inclusion in relevant international organizations
    • Created a strategy to oppose China’s poaching of Taiwan’s allies
    • Called for deeper economic integration with Taiwan—up to a free trade agreement

The Congressman also has bills to:
