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Town Hall

Congressional Outreach Open House - Wasatch County

It can be stressful waiting for an answer from a government agency. If you live in Utah’s 3rd Congressional District and you need help with a passport, the VA, IRS, Social Security, or another federal agency, come to Rep. John Curtis' Congressional Outreach Open House!

It can be stressful waiting for an answer from a government agency. If you live in Utah’s 3rd Congressional District and you need help with a passport, the VA, IRS, Social Security, or another federal agency, come to Rep. John Curtis' Congressional Outreach Open House!

Join us at Utah Valley University Wasatch Campus on Monday, August 21 any time from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Rep. John Curtis will kick the event off at 4:00 PM with a brief update on Congress and then his staff will be available to help you.

Meet our amazing caseworkers and staff, get help with a government agency, sign up for a one-on-one with Rep. John Curtis, learn about internship opportunities, grant applications, congressional commendation, and so much more! Refreshments will be served.